Give to Fresno State
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I split my donation among two or more programs I want to support?
A: On the Give Now form you can direct your gift to multiple recipients.
Q: What if I don’t know the specific name of an account?
A: Just describe it as best as you can. Be sure we have your contact information so we can reach you if we need to find out more.
Q: How do I know if the university has received my gift?
A: After you've made a donation, a formal receipt will be mailed to you. The receipt will detail the amount, date received, and designation of your gift.
If you have recently made a donation and have not received a receipt, please call University Development: 559.278.3132.
Q: How can I be sure my money will go where I’ve designated?
A: We follow the Donor Bill of Rights which assures donors’ gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given. It is our obligation and strict practice to follow your instructions.
Q: How do I include Fresno State in my will?
A: Making a planned gift to Fresno State is simple. You can find more information at our legacy giving site or by contacting Becky Brown, Director for Central Development Office at 559.278.1877 or
Q: How can I find out if my employer has a matching gift program?
A: You can search for your company in the matching gift section of our website.
Q: Can I make my donation anonymous?
A: Yes. In the Give Now page just check the box saying you would like to remain anonymous.